Dr. Herrick Duong

Dr. Herrick Duong

Dr. Herrick Duong

Dr. Herrick Duong

Dr. Herrick Duong


Dr. Herrick Duong completed his Doctor of Optometry degree at Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry and attended the University of California, Irvine earning a Bachelor of Science in Public Health Sciences prior to his postgraduate education and training. His clinical education consisted of primary care, ocular disease and co-management with ophthalmology at a VA hospital, Indian Health Services, and in a private practice setting. In addition, Dr. Duong completed an additional year of advanced training in primary eye care with an emphasis on ocular disease at the Veterans Affair San Diego Healthcare System.

During his time in optometry school, Dr. Duong held multiple leadership positions including president of the Sports Vision Club, Student Section liaison to the California Optometric Association and board member of the Gold Key Honor Society. Currently, he is an active member of the California Optometric Association and the San Gabriel Valley Optometric Society.

Dr. Duong is fluent in Cantonese and enjoys visiting new breweries, cheering for his hometown LA Lakers, trying new foods with friends and spending quality time with his girlfriend and family.

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