Understanding Diabetic Eye Care: Why It's Important to Start Early

Understanding Diabetic Eye Care: Why It's Important to Start Early

Understanding Diabetic Eye Care: Why It's Important to Start Early

Understanding Diabetic Eye Care: Why It's Important to Start Early

Understanding Diabetic Eye Care: Why It's Important to Start Early

Around the world, nearly 537 million people aged 20-79 have diabetes. Many know the importance of managing their blood sugar levels to prevent complications. Yet, few realize the potential impact on their eyesight. 

What Is Diabetic Eye Disease?

Diabetic eye disease describes conditions connected to diabetes that damage the eyes. Loss of vision may result from damaged blood vessels in the retina caused by high blood sugar levels. Diabetic macular edema and diabetic retinopathy are the two most common forms of diabetic eye disease.

Why Is Diabetic Eye Care Important?

Taking care of your eyes if you have diabetes is crucial. Proper eye care can stop or delay vision loss brought on by the condition. Early detection and treatment of these conditions can help preserve vision and improve eye health. Regrettably, many people with diabetes do not understand the importance of routine eye exams. It can result in irreversible vision loss.

When Should You Start Diabetic Eye Care?

You should begin diabetic eye care as early as possible if you have diabetes. The ADA advises that individuals with diabetes undergo a comprehensive dilated eye examination once annually. The exam can help detect diabetic eye disease early when it is more treatable.

What Happens During a Comprehensive Dilated Eye Exam?

A comprehensive dilated eye exam is a painless procedure that allows your eye doctor to see the inside of your eye. Your eye doctor will apply eye drops to dilate your pupils during the examination. This will help them see your retina and optic nerve more clearly. Your eye doctor will check your eyes for indications of diabetic eye disease.

These include the following:

  • Abnormal growth of new blood vessels

  • Leaking blood vessels

  • Swelling


What Are the Treatment Options?

The type and degree of diabetic eye disease determine the course of treatment. For instance, your eye doctor may suggest laser treatment to seal blood vessels leaking due to diabetic retinopathy. This will stop the development of new blood vessels. Your eye doctor may recommend medicine to treat the swelling in the macula if you have diabetic macular edema. 

What Can You Do to Protect Your Eyes?

You can do several things to preserve your eye health besides regular checkups. Controlling your blood sugar levels is the most crucial step. Loss of vision may result from damaged blood vessels in the eyes caused by high blood sugar. Also, it would be best to control your blood pressure and cholesterol levels because they can aggravate diabetic eye problems.

Other steps that can help protect your eyes include:

  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection

  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly

  • Follow your doctor's recommendations for managing your diabetes

Diabetic eye care is essential for anyone with diabetes. Regular eye exams can help detect diabetic eye disease early when it is more treatable. Do you have diabetes? If so, you must begin diabetic eye care as soon as possible. You must get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once each year.

For more on diabetic eye care, visit Premier Eye Care Optometry at our office in San Bernadino, California. Call (909) 757-0700 to book an appointment today.

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