Evaluating Your LASIK Eligibility: What to Expect

Evaluating Your LASIK Eligibility: What to Expect

Evaluating Your LASIK Eligibility: What to Expect

Evaluating Your LASIK Eligibility: What to Expect

Evaluating Your LASIK Eligibility: What to Expect

LASIK is a popular and effective vision correction procedure that can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses. However, not everyone is a candidate for LASIK. If you're considering the procedure, it's essential to understand the evaluation process and what to expect. At Premier Eye Care Optometry, we guide you through a comprehensive LASIK evaluation to determine whether this life-changing surgery is right for you.

Who is a Good Candidate for LASIK?

LASIK is designed to correct common refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. You may be a good candidate for LASIK if you meet the following criteria:

  • Stable Vision: Your prescription should remain unchanged for at least one year before surgery.

  • Healthy Eyes: Conditions like dry eye syndrome, cataracts, or keratoconus may impact your eligibility.

  • Adequate Corneal Thickness: LASIK reshapes the cornea, so having sufficient corneal tissue is necessary.

  • Good Overall Health: Conditions such as diabetes or autoimmune diseases may affect healing and increase risks.

  • Age Requirement: You must be at least 18 years old with a stable prescription.

What to Expect During a LASIK Evaluation

A thorough eye exam is the first step in determining your LASIK eligibility. Here's what you can expect during your visit to Premier Eye Care Optometry:

1. Comprehensive Eye Examination

Your optometrist will conduct a detailed eye exam to assess your overall eye health. This includes checking for any underlying conditions that may affect the success of the procedure, such as dry eyes or corneal irregularities.

2. Measuring Your Refractive Error

Your prescription will be evaluated to determine the level of vision correction needed. LASIK is most effective for individuals with mild to moderate refractive errors.

3. Corneal Thickness and Shape Analysis

A critical aspect of LASIK eligibility is corneal thickness. Advanced imaging techniques like corneal topography and pachymetry are used to map the corneal surface and measure thickness.

4. Tear Film Assessment

Dry eye syndrome can impact the healing process post-LASIK. A tear film evaluation helps determine if you have sufficient tear production for a smooth recovery.

5. Pupil Size Measurement

Large pupils may increase the risk of post-surgical side effects such as glare or halos around lights, especially at night.

Schedule Your LASIK Evaluation Today

If you’re considering LASIK, a professional evaluation is the first step. We provide expert guidance to help you determine if LASIK is the right option for your vision needs. 

Contact Premier Eye Care Optometry to schedule your LASIK evaluation, take the first step toward clear, glasses-free vision! Visit our office in San Bernardino, California or call (909) 757-0700 to book an appointment today.

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